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Rush, Stephen K.

Stephen K. Rush




Niesar & Vestal, LLP, 90 New Montgomery Street 9th Floor, San Francisco, CA 94105

Job Description:

Intellectual Property, Domestic & Foreign Music Publishing, Purchase & Sale of Catalogues, Commercial and Infringement Litigation, International Trade.

Mr. Rush is with Niesar & Vestal LLP’s businesses department. He has over 25 years of experience in the entertainment industry with a primary focus on music properties. He began with representing Opryland USA Inc. in the acquisition of a major music catalogue and went on the represent many clients in the acquisition, sale, and financing of other music catalogues, domestic and foreign. He has extensive litigation experience in the areas of copyright infringement, determination of IP ownership rights, liable and first amendment issues of news broadcasts. On behalf of the Nashville Songwriters Association International (NSAI) Mr. Rush authored an amicus brief to the US Supreme Court in Elder v. Ashcroft in support of upholding the constitutionality of the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1998 which the Court upheld in its 2003 decision.

He currently advises clients on the creation, development, and monetization of intellectual property (music, video including 3D, and Internet based content). He uses his extensive experience and contacts in strategizing with creative people to facilitate the development of their new media projects.

Years in the record business:

Over 25 years in the entertainment industry including representation of music publishing and record companies.

Career Achievements:

a. Based on study of European cable satellite industry, Country Music Television (CMT) Europe was launched.
b. Lobbied for the passage of the Sonny Bono Copyright Term Extension Act of 1988 to extend copyright term to life plus 70 years.
c. Arranged over $60 million in debt financing using music and record catalogs as collateral with numerous major banks.
d. Arranged to take a radio program syndication company public through a reverse merger so that it could raise funds to purchase radio stations.
e. Negotiated distribution of handheld video and MP3 players through Wal-Mart.

Professional Goals:

Work with creative people to facilitate the development of their new media projects. Organize a 3D video production company.


“Imagination is more important than knowledge.” Albert Einstein

Contact information:

Stephen K. Rush
Niesar & Vestal LLP
90 New Montgomery Street 9th Floor
San Francisco, CA 94105
415-882-5300, ext. 242
615-405-3034 cell
415-882-5400 fax