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What is content repurposing?

Content reuse is also known as content recycling. As the term implies, it is the practice of reusing your content or some of its elements to increase the reach of that content. Some content can be converted into images, infographics, videos, or simply used for repurposing. The basic idea behind repurposing content is to attract new traffic from the same old content over and over again.

You may have a list of blogs that went viral for a while and then just got lost somewhere because of the mass of new blogs you kept publishing. Creating great new content is really great, but your old content needs justice too! That's why repurposing content is such a cool idea. You can breathe new life into your old posts and keep adding value.

Why is content repurposing important to you?

Stagnant organic traffic is the last thing you want to see when you look at your site's metrics, but it's a problem every digital marketer struggles with at some point. These ups and downs in traffic can come from changes in the industry, changes in your audience's interests, the amount of new content you create or the relevance of your old content.

Sometimes all you need is a little nudge and repurposing to keep your audience interested. So, here's a list of benefits to help you make the decision to drive your content repurposing efforts.

Keep attracting new audiences

The No. 1 benefit of repurposing your content is that it will continue to attract new audiences over and over again. When you first publish content, the reach or interaction may be average. Then over time, it gains momentum and works a little better. When you repurpose it and publish it in new formats, it will reach an audience that might never have found it otherwise. It will also reach people who have recently signed up for your account.

Increase the visibility of your ads

No matter how much you invest in paid advertising, organic reach is what your site craves. Repurposing structured content in various forms will give you a significant increase in organic exposure and traffic. And if you publish your content on different sites, you can also generate backlinks for your site.

Reinforce your message

When listing the merits of repurposing content, experts state that repetition is important in marketing. According to the rule of seven marketing states, your target audience needs to hear a certain message at least seven times before they make a buying decision.

So instead of covering a topic or issue once and letting it fade into history, implement a content repurposing strategy to consistently deliver your message to your target audience. This works well when you start with valuable and credible content. It makes it easier to find new ways to emphasize your message.

You don't have to build everything from scratch

When you repurpose your content, it makes it much easier to scale. In other words, you don't have to prepare every blog, create every infographic or make a video from scratch. One blog can be used in multiple ways and uploaded to multiple social platforms. You can use fresh content as the basis for blogs, videos, social media posts, webcasts, etc.

Best practices when repurposing your content?

Let's take a look at some of the best practices for repurposing content that will ultimately make you a pro at this task and allow you to develop a content repurposing workflow.

Choose evergreen content pieces

Evergreen content pieces are those content pieces that don't lose their value over time. For example, you published a blog about some recent update announced by Facebook. Well, you can't use that content to repurpose. By the time you repurpose the blog content into other forms, it will be yesterday's news.

On the other hand, if you've blogged about 11 easy ways to create a YouTube channel, you can easily change its purpose at any time. So you need to find evergreen blogs or posts and then repurpose them in new forms.

Tailor your selected content to different formats

Your content should be the desired size to fit the chosen social platform. If you're posting modified content on Pinterest, you'll need to prepare a vertical image to get the most hits. If you want to upload it to Instagram, you need to create a 1: 1 or 3: 4 post.

A Few Things You Should Know About NARIP


  • NARIP reaches over 100,000 people worldwide, we’ve been building a loyal network since 1998.
  •  People trust NARIP. We’ve worked hard to earn this trust and have developed a reputation as a no-nonsense, useful organization which helps its members and the wider record and music industry communities. Since inception in 1998, NARIP has connected countless people to jobs and opportunities, cultivated many collaborations, and helped launch hundreds of projects and several companies.
  • We handpick sponsors, which means fewer ads for users to see and navigate through. We limit ads in rotation, which yields a more pleasant experience for our readership and higher visibility for your advertisement.
  • Our responsive, opt-in subscribers and visitors are focused on—and work in—the record and music industries.
  • Our sites ( and and bulletins enjoy a tight-knit but growing and active readership. This strengthens our relationship with our users. Our users trust us and value NARIP content and our handpicked sponsors.
  • Most new members and subscribers hear about us through word-of-mouth.
  • Get your message directly to this hard-to-reach audience today!


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