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Japanese subculture cosplay

Cosplay is a relatively young subculture that originated in Japan. Cosplay is a costume game, or rather a way of doing things on screen. In simple words: cosplay participants completely identify themselves with their favorite character, create a similar hairstyle, costume, adopt the style of voice, speech and call it by the name of the chosen character.

Modern cosplay first appeared in Japan among Japanese manga and anime fans, so these characters are often the main prototypes for the action. Initially, cosplay was featured in costume shows at fantasy and science fiction festivals. Then, gradually, anime festivals appeared with separate performances by cosplayers.

Cosplay participants identify with a character, such as from a video game or a movie about a samurai, wear similar clothes, imitate his hairstyle, address him by name and have similar turns of speech. Often during cosplay, they play role-playing games. The main requirement of cosplay is to look like a hero and dress up in the required costume. On our website you can buy ready-made costumes and accessories, for example 40k bolt pistol.

Cosplay what is it

In the traditional sense, this is a kind of "theater" of heroes, which is derived from Japanese culture. In general, cosplay depends on the imagination of the fans or other entertainment area.

The motto of cosplay is "no game - no life", and the following saying is popular among Western cosplayers: "you have to prove that you just play your character better than anyone else." After all, it is! ' This is how the essence of this Japanese subculture is expressed, and it is the co-player's duty to adhere to the character he has chosen as much as possible.

Moreover, one suit is not enough. Each party member must fully reveal his character, his manner of speaking, copy his behavior, use his inherent gestures and expressions, show his character and thus temporarily become his own, so that the participants and spectators believe in his real existence.

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